Hoofdstuk 9: Langetermijntrends in onderwijsuitkomsten in Nederland

In: Herman van de Werfhorst (2015), Een kloof van alle tijden. Verschillen tussen lager en hoger opgeleiden in werk, cultuur en politiek. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp.219-240.


In this chapter I study the potential non-linearity in the trend in effect of parental background on highest achieved education (Inequality of Educational Outcome or IEOut) in the Netherlands between 1912 and 1988. In accordance with previous studies I found that IEOut declined, but this decline is only a feature of the second half of the 20th century. Morover, for men this reduction in IEOut is already starting to slow down and may well end soon. I did not find any abrupt changes in IEOut for the Second World War or an important educational reform.

pre-publication draft