This package can be installed by typing in Stata: ssc install dirifit
Ferrari, S.L.P. and Cribari-Neto, F. (2004). Beta regression for modelling rates and proportions. Journal of Applied Statistics 31(7): 799-815.
Paolino, P. (2001). Maximum likelihood estimation of models with beta-distributed dependent variables. Political Analysis 9(4): 325-346. link
Smithson, M. and Verkuilen, J. (2006) A better lemon squeezer? Maximum likelihood regression with beta-distributed dependent variables. Psychological Methods 11(1): 54-71.
. use, clear (Spending on different categories by Dutch cities in 2005)
. dirifit governing safety education recreation social urbanplanning, /// > mu(minorityleft noleft houseval popdens)
initial: log likelihood = -240.19125 alternative: log likelihood = 452.66345 rescale: log likelihood = 1689.6737 rescale eq: log likelihood = 1802.7632 Iteration 0: log likelihood = 1802.7632 (not concave) Iteration 1: log likelihood = 2110.9472 Iteration 2: log likelihood = 2699.3416 Iteration 3: log likelihood = 2989.2442 Iteration 4: log likelihood = 3125.8682 Iteration 5: log likelihood = 3127.4817 Iteration 6: log likelihood = 3127.4845 Iteration 7: log likelihood = 3127.4845
ML fit of Dirichlet (mu, phi) Number of obs = 392 Wald chi2(20) = 256.36 Log likelihood = 3127.4845 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mu2 | minorityleft | .1227553 .0871296 1.41 0.159 -.0480156 .2935262 noleft | .0420214 .0895844 0.47 0.639 -.1335608 .2176036 houseval | -.1072955 .0712057 -1.51 0.132 -.2468562 .0322652 popdens | .0033622 .037627 0.09 0.929 -.0703853 .0771098 _cons | .7277289 .1258424 5.78 0.000 .4810823 .9743755 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mu3 | minorityleft | -.0233997 .0916509 -0.26 0.798 -.2030321 .1562327 noleft | -.3304486 .0960681 -3.44 0.001 -.5187387 -.1421585 houseval | -.5970805 .0925149 -6.45 0.000 -.7784064 -.4157547 popdens | .0957056 .0392149 2.44 0.015 .0188457 .1725654 _cons | 1.082907 .1521303 7.12 0.000 .7847375 1.381077 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mu4 | minorityleft | .1442345 .0930536 1.55 0.121 -.0381472 .3266161 noleft | -.029721 .0961912 -0.31 0.757 -.2182522 .1588102 houseval | -.1971356 .0798158 -2.47 0.014 -.3535717 -.0406995 popdens | .064591 .038892 1.66 0.097 -.0116359 .1408178 _cons | .4344822 .1388875 3.13 0.002 .1622678 .7066967 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mu5 | minorityleft | .0667525 .0819769 0.81 0.415 -.0939192 .2274242 noleft | -.1842361 .0851565 -2.16 0.031 -.3511398 -.0173325 houseval | -.5519945 .0760799 -7.26 0.000 -.7011083 -.4028807 popdens | .1828056 .0338375 5.40 0.000 .1164853 .249126 _cons | 1.598407 .1274683 12.54 0.000 1.348574 1.84824 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mu6 | minorityleft | .1548184 .0835142 1.85 0.064 -.0088665 .3185033 noleft | -.0213259 .0862757 -0.25 0.805 -.1904231 .1477713 houseval | -.160034 .068803 -2.33 0.020 -.2948854 -.0251825 popdens | .1301393 .0345991 3.76 0.000 .0623263 .1979523 _cons | .94753 .1211821 7.82 0.000 .7100176 1.185043 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- /ln_phi | 3.680083 .0311479 118.15 0.000 3.619035 3.741132 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- phi | 39.6497 1.235006 37.30154 42.14568 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mu2 = safety mu3 = education mu4 = recreation mu5 = social mu6 = urbanplanning
base outcome = governing
. ddirifit, at(minorityleft 0 noleft 0 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- discrete | Min --> Max +-SD/2 +-1/2 change | coef. se coef. se coef. se --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- governing | minorityleft |-.0085 .0064 noleft | .0086 .0069 houseval | .0903 .0227 .0116 .0023 .0292 .0059 popdens | -.048 .0112 -.0089 .0027 -.0095 .0029 --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- safety | minorityleft | .006 .0084 noleft | .0234 .0089 houseval | .0867 .0246 .013 .003 .0328 .0075 popdens |-.0828 .0146 -.0151 .0034 -.0162 .0036 --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- education | minorityleft |-.0139 .0071 noleft |-.0286 .0073 houseval |-.1006 .0169 -.0156 .0033 -.0394 .0084 popdens |-.0068 .0166 2.1e-06 .0028 2.3e-06 .003 --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- recreation | minorityleft | .0068 .0071 noleft | .0066 .0074 houseval | .0236 .0197 .0046 .0026 .0117 .0065 popdens |-.0254 .0137 -.0035 .0026 -.0037 .0028 --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- social | minorityleft |-.0056 .0094 noleft |-.0241 .0098 houseval |-.1703 .0217 -.0255 .004 -.0642 .0101 popdens | .1297 .0237 .0203 .0033 .0218 .0035 --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- urbanplann~g | minorityleft | .0152 .0092 noleft | .0142 .0097 houseval | .0702 .0254 .0119 .0033 .0299 .0082 popdens | .0332 .0209 .0072 .0032 .0077 .0034 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------- Marginal | MFX at x Effects | coef. se --------------+----------------- governing | houseval | .0292 .0059 popdens |-.0095 .0029 --------------+----------------- safety | houseval | .0329 .0075 popdens |-.0162 .0036 --------------+----------------- education | houseval |-.0395 .0084 popdens | 2.0e-06 .003 --------------+----------------- recreation | houseval | .0117 .0065 popdens |-.0037 .0028 --------------+----------------- social | houseval |-.0644 .0101 popdens | .0218 .0035 --------------+----------------- urbanplann~g | houseval | .0301 .0083 popdens | .0077 .0034 --------------------------------
E(governing|x) = .0994 E(safety|x) = .1759 E(education|x) = .1304 E(recreation|x) = .1205 E(social|x) = .25 E(urbanplann~g|x) = .2238
x mean sd min max minorityleft 0 .4337 .4962 0 1 noleft 0 .3878 .4879 0 1 houseval 1.483 1.483 .3902 .72 3.63 popdens .7839 .7839 .9408 .025 5.711