smclpres: Stata module to create interactive presentations in Stata
mkproject Stata module to create a project folder with some boilerplate code and research log
seqlogit: Stata module to fit a sequential logit model, by Maarten L. Buis.
ldecomp: Stata program decomposing the total effects in a logistic regression into direct and indirect effects, by Maarten L. Buis.
scenreg:Stata module for estimating effects in models for binary variables given a scenario concerning unobserved variables, by Maarten L. Buis
sheafcoef: Stata module to compute sheaf coefficients, by Maarten L. Buis.
propcnsreg: Stata program fitting by maximum likelihood a linear regression with a proportionality constraint, by Maarten L. Buis.
betafit: Stata program fitting a two parameter beta distribution, optionally dependent on covariates, by Maarten L. Buis, Nicholas J. Cox, and Stephen P. Jenkins.
zoib: Module fitting a zero-one inflated beta distribution by maximum likelihood, by Maarten L. Buis.
dirifit: Stata program fitting a Dirichlet distribution, optionally dependent on covariates, by Maarten L. Buis, Nicholas J. Cox, and Stephen P. Jenkins.
fmlogit: module fitting a fractional multinomial logit model by quasi maximum likelihood, by Maarten L. Buis.
stdtable: Stata program to standardize cross-tabulations to pre-specified row and column totals, by Maarten L. Buis.
hangroot: Stata program creating a hanging rootogram comparing an empirical distribution to the best fitting theoretical distribution, by Maarten L. Buis.
margdistfit: Post-estimation command that compares the observed and theoretical marginal distributions, by Maarten L. Buis.
qenv: Module to generate quantile envelopes for quantile-quantile plots, by Maarten L. Buis and Nicholas J. Cox.
simpplot: Stata module creating a plot describing p-values from a simulation by comparing nominal significance levels with the coverages, by Maarten L. Buis.
proprcspline: module for restricted cubic spline smoothing of proportions, by Maarten L. Buis.
asl_norm: Stata module computing bootstrap Gaussianity tests, by Maarten L. Buis.
oparallel: Stata module providing post-estimation command for testing the parallel regression assumption, by Maarten L. Buis.
postrcspline: Stata module containing post-estimation commands for models using a restricted cubic spline, by Maarten L. Buis.
ftest: Stata module comparing two nested models using an F-test, by Maarten L. Buis.
indeplist: Stata program displaying and returning the names of the independent variables of the active estimation command, by Maarten L. Buis.
obsofint: Stata module to display observations of interest, by Maarten L. Buis and Ronnie Babigumira.
fiskfit: Stata program fitting a Fisk distribution by ML to unit record data, by Maarten L. Buis and Stephen P. Jenkins.
pcorrmat: Stata program displaying a matrix of partial correlations that are controlled for a fixed set of covariates, by Maarten L. Buis.
summarizeModels, version 0.1 BETA; R function for displaying the results of multiple regression models in a single table